
Showing posts from March, 2018


Hello! So this week feels like it has been absolutely forever.  First off, I will start with Thanksgiving because I don't remember much before that haha. I went around with my comp to less actives houses, and most of them were not doing anything for Thanksgiving because well...they are from like El Salvador and do not care about America being founded or the pilgrims very much haha. But, we got to share a quick message with one family, and then the second one we ended up painting their walls. Their cousin who is 18 started to paint the walls, but we helped him finish. It was a lot of unexpected fun. We were there serving for a good 2 or 3 hours.  Then we had to do a quick change and go on to the first dinner appointment of the night with the Murillos! They are this english speaking family who is semi-less active and we accidentally knocked into them, and we have been helping them out ever since (with permission from their elders of course) but it is because Brother Murillo i

11-20-2017 (No subject this week)

Hello! So it has been a great week. Tuesday we went as usual to Special Angels, and I hung out with this really cool person named Heather. She was doing a puzzle and I helped her. Then we were invited to come back on Friday for their Thanksgiving event. Wednesday we went and visited this woman named Celeste. She is english but she is only assigned Elders in her area, and her husband is never home, and so Hermana Masters and I go (and also, her dad only speaks spanish, so maybe we can teach him too) Although, she is already baptized, she is still learning and has stopped coming to church. But we got to go over there, and her 3 year old tore my tag off, ran, and then threw it during the lesson so that was fun.  Thursday was Zone Conference, so we went and spent a good 8 hours at the stake center, and just went over training and safety and made goals as a zone to each get one baptism per companionship (Which, was already technically done for us, since Ana was getting baptized Satur

Nog Nog Noggin on Heaven's Door

Egg nog has reached the shelves of Spring Texas' grocery stores.                                      11/13/2017 So, Last week for service we got to do this program thing instead of our normal service, and it was called Saving Smiles, and a bunch of kids came in and got free dental check up things. I did a bunch of paper work, but all was good. It was fun.  We have our investigator Anas baptism on Saturday!!! I am so excited! She has been waiting awhile and it is finally Saturday. Her son Jason was going to get baptized too, but he changed his mind. He said he wanted to know a little more first. We will continue working on him though. (He is 11). Then his sister started praying about baptism, even when we didn't talk about it during the lesson. It was great. We also have an investigator Nancy, who after reading the first 6 chapters of the Book of Mormon and praying about it was like "I know it is true. I just know it. I know it will change my life." and she is ju

Sopa Opera

Hello!                                                                                                                                                            11/06/17 How have you guys been? How was your Halloween? I hope you guys were able to do awesome things throughout the week!   Me outside on Halloween with Spoopy decorations This week was pretty good. We got fed SO MUCH. We again had a food appointment everyday. Even on days we did not have one planned. This week I had Mexican hamburgers (which, were magic might I add), cheese enchiladas, chicken tacos, chicken taco kit thing, rice, beans, sopas, regular chicken and yeah...It was super great. I am sure I had more, but they all mix together. I learned how to make the sopas. And, have an idea how to make the hamburgers.  Yesterday we had a broadcast from some general authorities, that was apparently for the south west. I understood minimal of it, but it is fine lol. We have set a baptismal date for this woman na

Howdy From Texas!

Hey!                                                                                                                                                             10/30/17 Sorry everyone, I know it has definitely been a hot minute. My last P-day was almost 2 weeks ago because I spent last Wednesday traveling to Houston! So that being said, I am safe here, and done with my time at the MTC. It was an interesting time, and I took a load of pictures. It was strange, because most people left on Monday, then the majority of the people left left on Tuesday, then finally, it was me and Hermana Gardels on Wednesday. It was cool though because I got to go to a class who had just arrived to the MTC. It was a nice experience. We also got to go around and look up all the stories to the murals in our building. It was a good time. Nevertheless, I woke up at 2:30 the next morning and headed on over to Texas. I landed, and they let us all take a nap in the Mission building, in the church pews. It was

25 October 2017

 I received a text message from a random stranger with her picture at the airport.  I texted her back thank you, but I'm not sure my words could ever convey how much joy that one picture gave me. I received this e-mail when Stephanie left the MTC and traveled to Texas.  I have a picture to go along with the e-mail. 25 October 2017 Dear  Sister Pattee , Today your daughter arrived in the Texas Houston Mission. Sister Woerner is safely here, has met us, and looks very excited to be in Texas. Each missionary came with a bright look in their eyes of determination and willingness to participate in taking the gospel to the people living in the mission boundaries.  We love each one already and are so glad to have her with us. Thank you for the support and love you give your missionary.  It is most important as she begins and continues the experience of being in the field.  You will be receiv

Que en el mundo

Hello everyone!                                                                                                                                 10/11/17 First thank you to everyone who has sent me emails, I LOVE hearing from you all, but don't have much time to reply, so if I don't, please know that I love hearing from you and really, really appreciate it, and I'm sorry if I don't reply.  So, this week, I was coming down the elevator from class to lunch, and there's this lady in the elevator with Hermana Riding, Burke, Gardels, and I. She was quiet the entire time, but when we reached the 1st floor, she tells us that we have to go around the way (this way we could still see the front door, but we'd be farther away, and could keep walking to the side door) so, we go, and slow down a little bit to see why we couldn't go to the front door, and there's this fancy man in a golf cart. We didn't recognise him, and the lady was getting mad that w

Half way there!

                                                                                                                                                                        10/4/17 A really awesome picture of Moses parting the red sea So today marks my half way point at the MTC, and idk if it's been the longest 3 weeks of my life or the quickest. It was general conference weekend, which for those who don't know, is a broadcast that happens semiannually, where the apostles and prophet speaks. Unfortunately one of our apostles passed away between sessions and our prophet wasn't too healthy either so he had to stay home. But the talks were AMAZING. I highly recommend all of them. Especially Elder Nelsons and Elder Rasbands. (They're on both YouTube and It was super awesome, because we were in a gym watching it with all the full time missionaries and we got to sit as a district each session (4 sessions, each 2 hours) and the missionaries got in trouble as a who


Hello Everyone!                                                                                                                                               9/27/17 Me, an other Hermana, and my companion Hermana Robles It has been a long week I feel like. It started off with me having to get a flu shot. It was not fun, but I got to miss like 10 minutes of spanish class lol.  The first week or so we were teaching this "investigator" named Erik, and he only spoke spanish and is from Mexico, and I felt really bad because I have only learned Spanish for 3 days the first time we taught him, and I think the first lesson was poor, but then, the 2nd lesson (like two days after) went sooo well, and the spirit was so strong and we were able to understand him even though he talks fast, and answer his questions that he had about the gospel, and it was so good. My spanish is poor, but luckily the Holy Ghost knows Spanish and was able to basically talk through me. Well fast f