11-20-2017 (No subject this week)

Hello! So it has been a great week. Tuesday we went as usual to Special Angels, and I hung out with this really cool person named Heather. She was doing a puzzle and I helped her. Then we were invited to come back on Friday for their Thanksgiving event.

Wednesday we went and visited this woman named Celeste. She is english but she is only assigned Elders in her area, and her husband is never home, and so Hermana Masters and I go (and also, her dad only speaks spanish, so maybe we can teach him too) Although, she is already baptized, she is still learning and has stopped coming to church. But we got to go over there, and her 3 year old tore my tag off, ran, and then threw it during the lesson so that was fun. 

Thursday was Zone Conference, so we went and spent a good 8 hours at the stake center, and just went over training and safety and made goals as a zone to each get one baptism per companionship (Which, was already technically done for us, since Ana was getting baptized Saturday), but yeah, We also role played. I hate role playing. It is not fun. But then we went to Tomball to drive by some people, and the houses there were HUGE. They were all decorated so it was pretty though. Then, we had English Class, as we do every Thursday night and we taught them about directions and asking for help in english, and then shared a video about Christ and then they shared it on facebook. It was good. Last week, we only had one person in class, and we were teaching him about families (words such as mom, dad, wife, grandma, husband, kids...etc) and Hermana Masters was like "Okay, so if you get married, this would be your wife" then he replied  with "Oh, my wife doesn't have a name..." *Stretches to look at Hna Masters tag* "What's your name?" and it was really funny. She turned bright red. I have discovered most hispanics about the age of 20 are very flirty with everyone all the time. Then we passed by this woman named Veronica. She is a member from Mexico and has only had a 2nd grade education, so she cant speak english at all, and she cant read spanish well. So, Hermana Master talked to her about getting to church and Veronica asked me to go through her kids homework for her to make sure everything was right, so he would not get in trouble, so I got to help him, and translate the directions on his homework into spanish. He speaks minimal english, but mainly spanish, so he was a little bit confused. He also, did not want to do it, so I bribed him with candy. He then all of a sudden wanted to do it haha. It was a really cool experience. 

Then Friday is when it started getting busy. So We have District meetings on fridays, which is where the district gets together (about 8 missionaries) and we first do language study and then we discuss what we have been doing as a mission for the past week, and what we hope our next week to look like. It was pretty great. Then, we afterwards had the Special Angels Thanksgiving event, and it was so great. I ended up sitting with one of the workers, and she used to be a speech pathologists assistant, and one of the people in the special angels class uses sign! I didnt know that, I just thought he did not speak. But, he knows sign, so I was able to communicate with him. He wanted to show me his ID, he had just gotten. Then, the worker, told me that on a different day she had a student who was simply just craving sign language, because thats what she was used to using and I guess her parents didnt use it with her, and the worker didnt know enough to really sign a full conversation with her, so she said she was going to call the mom and invite her to bring her daughter on Tuesdays when I come so I can sign with her. It was awesome. I might have a signing buddy! Then after that, we came back to the apartment and had to make cupcakes for Anas baptism. So we did, then we had to leave for the church, where we had the farewell for a girl named Andrea, who is going to be serving in Logan Utah, spanish speaking. It was really cool, she is so sweet, and will be a great missionary! Then when we got back, Hermana Masters said she forgot to get programs made for Ana, so she hand made one to copy. It took her a long time. So she got to bed around 11.

Saturday was exhausting. We woke up early, and it was the day of Anas baptism, and so we went to the church about 8:30am (baptism is at 12) and it is a good thing we came so early, because the church building was an absolute mess. I guess no one cleaned up from the party the night before, and so we had to vacuum the entire gym (bc for some weird reason, there is carpet in our gym) and then the entirety of the rest of the church basically. We also had to fill the font, move some tables, decorate the cupcakes, make programs, and set up the chairs. Then Ana finally got baptized! It had apparently been a few months that missionaries were waiting, so when it finally happened, the spirit was just so strong, and the missionaries were just like "Yesss, finally!" And it was great, Then after the baptism, we were exhausted so we came home cleaned a little bit of the apartment, and then both ended up falling asleep on our couch lol. But that was short lived, since we had to go out, make calls, and go to the nights event, which was for thanksgiving. Which is "El dia de gracias" o "El Dia de Pavo" depending on who you are talking to. And, our investigator Nancy came, and she brought her two little nephews, who one fell asleep, but then when he woke up he went and played with some other kids and they had a lot of fun together. 

Then, finally Yesterday was Sunday, and of course, we had church which was cool, because I understood almost everything which was awesome. Then, we had a meeting with Nancy, and taught her the Plan of Salvation and then asked if she wanted to be baptized, and she said she wanted it so bad, and she had been praying about it before hand, and she was just feeling like it would be so amazing, and just a fresh new start, and she knew it was all true, and she was so excited. She is getting baptized on December 23rd (Bill's Birthday Whoop Whoop) and so That was exciting. She is the first person who I have taught from beginning to end, so thats exciting. Then, we had to go and teach this member named Peter, who has been having a hard time with himself and his family, and they want to get back to being spiritual and happier. So we taught them, and then returned to Nancy's where we watched the face to face with two of the apostles, and Nancy had made us a stew thing for dinner, and then we came home and here we are. 

Anyway that is what happened...I hope you all are having a great week, and I love and miss you all!

-Hermana Woerner


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