Sopa Opera

Hello!                                                                                                                                                            11/06/17

How have you guys been? How was your Halloween? I hope you guys were able to do awesome things throughout the week! 
 Me outside on Halloween with Spoopy decorations
This week was pretty good. We got fed SO MUCH. We again had a food appointment everyday. Even on days we did not have one planned. This week I had Mexican hamburgers (which, were magic might I add), cheese enchiladas, chicken tacos, chicken taco kit thing, rice, beans, sopas, regular chicken and yeah...It was super great. I am sure I had more, but they all mix together. I learned how to make the sopas. And, have an idea how to make the hamburgers. 

Yesterday we had a broadcast from some general authorities, that was apparently for the south west. I understood minimal of it, but it is fine lol. We have set a baptismal date for this woman named Ana! She is so sweet, but she has to get married first. She has like 5 kids, and her fiance, and they all live together in the same house. Then, we had 4 baptisms last night, and we met a new investigator Nancy, who is SO READY to hear the gospel. She has said that she read her bible a lot  and she just wants to do what God wants her to, in His way, and she said she noticed that every time the mormons she knew walked into a room, and the same with us, we just all made it all feel super peaceful, and as if we just carried an aura of love about us, and she felt like it was the spirit of God, so she wanted to learn more. She is pumped to read the Book of Mormon, and she said she will pray to know if it is true, and yeah. She's awesome. She fed us chicken, brown rice, and green beans yesterday. I missed healthy food. It was great. 
What was even better is that the day before we had literally every single hour filled with appointments and each person cancelled over and over again. But then, we met Nancy and it was like our own little miracle.
It is just so great. I love seeing people's lives become happier thanks to the gospel. Even though their problems do not change, they do. The gospel is not here to condemn everyone, or change your situation, but to help lift everyone up, and to change them instead. It allows us to match our circumstance. Even when we fail a lot, it helps us remain positive. I just love that. I love when I am put in hard situations because it forces me to rely on Heavenly Father, and Christ's atonement to get through, because I KNOW I do not have the power to do so. There are so many miracles in our lives that we pass off as "Luck" or "happy circumstance" or even as just "Everyday life" but I assure you all that miracle happen, and they are all from our Father above, who loves us so much. So much that He wants us to have our families for eternity, and that He wants to give us every opportunity for success, either in this life or the life to come. 
So also, I am on a Facebook Mission, and this week I was required to make a facebook. I cannot add people first, but I can add you guys back if you add me. So, if you want to add me it is just under Stephanie Woerner. No Sister or anything.
OH So, every tuesday we volunteer at a place called Special Angels, and it is a day care type of place for adults with special needs, and I LOVE it! last week was a halloween fall festival thing, and it was awesome. There is one guy who does not speak. but just goes around giving hugs, and Ill attach a picture later! 
Anyway, much love

-Hermana Woerner

Here are some pictures of me and of my companion (Hermana Masters). 
me with the guy from Special Angels

 Pictures of me next to a flooded house sign, and behind you can kinda see some of the damage from the flood still. There was a sign in one neighborhood that got hit so badly that told people that if they were there to take pictures, just to leave. It was sad. The area still looked pretty rough.
 outside with the church sign
 outside with the church sign

Me and Hermana Masters

Face Swap Missionary Style


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