
So this week feels like it has been absolutely forever. 

First off, I will start with Thanksgiving because I don't remember much before that haha. I went around with my comp to less actives houses, and most of them were not doing anything for Thanksgiving because well...they are from like El Salvador and do not care about America being founded or the pilgrims very much haha. But, we got to share a quick message with one family, and then the second one we ended up painting their walls. Their cousin who is 18 started to paint the walls, but we helped him finish. It was a lot of unexpected fun. We were there serving for a good 2 or 3 hours. 
Then we had to do a quick change and go on to the first dinner appointment of the night with the Murillos! They are this english speaking family who is semi-less active and we accidentally knocked into them, and we have been helping them out ever since (with permission from their elders of course) but it is because Brother Murillo is more open with us than the Elders, so they werent really able to make progress. But it was a traditional dinner with a side of Tamales because although they prefer english they are from Mexico. We had to leave for our next appointment and as we were Bro Murillo was like "I almost dont want yall to go, because when you go the spirit goes too" so we are working on that with them, to establish that feeling in their home forever. 
Then as we opened the door to leave, there was an autistic girl with a family standing there, and apparently she had wondered off and they were trying to find her home. I do not know if they found it, but I am seeing them again Saturday and will update you all.
 Then after we ate at our bishops house, and along with 3 other families from our ward. They had turkey and ham but then also barbeque. It was good. 
They also had a really in depth conversation about Facebook, Tv, and a dishwasher lol. Then we went to our recent convert Anas house, and the food was...alright, But I am definitely grateful for all the food. It was so wonderful of all of them to feed us. 
At Anas, her mom accidentally took a swig of vodka and it was hysterical. THEN we went to our investigator Nancys house (She is awesome) and we taught her mom a little bit about the gospel. It was cool. We were stuffed.
Then Friday was awesome. Not so much the day time. We just had district meeting, where we did a district inventory of how we can be better. But that night, we went to our investigators Jose and Jessicas house and...We brought our mission president and his wife!!! Which is super rare. Like, super rare. And president helped teach the lesson, and it was really cool. And I may get to bring an even cooler person soon, but I wont say too much yet...(; The spirit there was so strong though, and it was awesome. Except Jessica gave us hot chocolate like soaked in cinnamon. So when she wasnt looking my comp switched our drinks (because I am allergic to cinnamon). It was great. Also powerful as all else.
Then Saturday we were with Nancy...Like all day...We went to teach her some sign because her dad is not verbal, but then we also taught her a lesson with her friend/member Beto, so there was 2 hours and then we took like a half an hour break until Beto left, and then we taught her the second lesson (because we have to teach her all the lessons before she is baptised on the 23rd, and she is going to be gone all this week).
 So we finished, and then went and shared with a few people about ilumina el mundo ( go on that website. It has a lot about it. Do itttt.), and then we ended up feeling like we needed to return to see nancy so we did. And she started crying because she felt like she needed to pray and didnt want to be alone and was asking for someone to come see her. So it was a miracle. That night we also had like one the most unhealthy meals I have had since being here. It was suuupppperrr good though. But also really greasy. It was a torta with pulled pork and like fried in butter and the lady gave us coke with it (which I am not a fan of anyway) and it was HUGE and it was all sorts of unhealthy, but It was delicious. I will give her that haha. When we returned to Nancys though she told us about how she washes her face everynight...with toothpaste. Then she proceeded to give us toothpaste, and told us to try it. So far I have tried it twice, and I am not yet sure about how I feel haha. She also told us one using Dove Soap and sugar...we will see how that one goes next week. 

Sunday was good. We had church, and I think our Obispo, LOVES to call on me even though I barely understand the topic of conversation. He doesn't even call on any of the other missionaries. Just me, so I put in a broad piece of my thoughts in my broken spanish lol. Then yesterday we also went to teach Nancy about the Word of Wisdom, then went to eat at the Pastranas who feed us each sunday, and then immediately after we had a dinner appointment with Hermana Pena, from Honduras, and she gave us-I kid you not-2 plates of food, a bowl of hearty soup, and, on top of that, a pineapple drink thing. It was a lot. We were stuffed. We could not even finish it. 
Then Today...It was a hard morning. So there is this thing that almost everyone in out barrio is obsessed with. It is a weight loss program called Herablife. It is owned by a few people in our barrio (not owned owned, but basically they own it in this area) and they have a club a few minutes away that Nancy works at, and Beto owns. So they said because we are missionaries, we can come for free (a shake and some juice stuff, and a free workout class) they gave us a juice that tasted like the hard vitamins but in a liquid form and reaallyy concentrated, and it was really gross. but I choked it down (all about 20oz of it) and then I went to do the class...It was an hour and fifteen minutes long. It was brutal. It wasnt even light and easy things. It was like hardcore dancing and exercising and (For my MTC Friends, we even did wall sits) and there were no breaks, and it was hard, and I am still feeling nauseous from it xD I feel like I do not want to eat anything for the rest of ever. It gives me a lot of respect for Nancy though, she does it everyday, twice a day. She is aiming to lose weight since she is over 200 lbs and so far in the past 2 months she has lost 40lbs. It is crazy. But it is like really healthy. 
We are getting a christmas tree from a member on thursday!!! I love christmas! If you want to send me a package for christmas send it to the address on Haffer road (I think that is how you spell it.) If you do not have it, ask my mom for that address, or Samantha Gray has it as well. I think all of you know either one or the other. Or if not, message me and I will resend it. 
I love you all! The work is strong! I am seeing it change the life of So many, and it honestly is not about anything more than your Heavenly Father loves you and wants to bring you joy and peace in your life, and also wants to have a solid relationship with you. I know I have quite a few people on here who are either not religious, or not mormon, and some of you probably just want to skip over the religious parts of my emails, and I want you to know that I do have a testimony of this church, and of the Book of Mormon, and I know with every fiber of my being that Joseph Smith was a prophet. And I am so grateful to each and every one of you, regardless of how I know you, or even if I dont know you, for supporting me on this journey. I talk a lot about how I see people change, but I imagine I am the one changing the most.
I hope you all had an amazing Thanksgiving and have a wonderful week!
Love you all and Miss you so much!!!!
-Hermana Woerner


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