Que en el mundo

Hello everyone!                                                                                                                                 10/11/17

First thank you to everyone who has sent me emails, I LOVE hearing from you all, but don't have much time to reply, so if I don't, please know that I love hearing from you and really, really appreciate it, and I'm sorry if I don't reply. 

So, this week, I was coming down the elevator from class to lunch, and there's this lady in the elevator with Hermana Riding, Burke, Gardels, and I. She was quiet the entire time, but when we reached the 1st floor, she tells us that we have to go around the way (this way we could still see the front door, but we'd be farther away, and could keep walking to the side door) so, we go, and slow down a little bit to see why we couldn't go to the front door, and there's this fancy man in a golf cart. We didn't recognise him, and the lady was getting mad that we were looking, so we had to go, but, I found out from the mission president on Sunday, that apparently this man, was the Prince of Ethiopia, who was touring the new buildings. So I got to see the Prince of Ethiopia. 

Speaking of the new buildings, we are the first set of missionaries using them, and they were just finished this summer. I found out that they haven't even been dedicated yet. So Friday they are being dedicated. Hermana Burke is singing in the dedication, which is cool. I have to watch it in the gym though.


Yesterday, D. Todd Christofferson came to give us a devotional! It's amazing that so much has happened since I've been here. People rarely get an apostle, and I've heard from 2, watched general conference here, the buildings are being dedicated, the Prince of Ethiopia has come, and Elder Hales funeral. It's been crazy, but it's amazing. But, christofferson, has such a strong spirit, it's so present when he walked in, and it just reaffirmed my love for Christ and His gospel. Sunday we did a temple walk, so we took photos as a district and a zone. I don't have the done pictures, but I'll attach the district ones. 

 Sunday was so good!! We had fast and testimony meeting still, which is my FAVORITE Sunday, bc anyone and everyone can just go up and talk about how much they love Heavenly father and Christ, and the gospel, and you can just feel the love of Heavenly Father so strongly. Like the spirit is amazing.
Each day we have exercise time, and I've been doing the eliptical, and basically have the strongest legs ever now. Basically a professional eliptical-er. 

We had taco bell on Monday for dinner, so that was awesome. 
Love and miss you all!
Hermana Woerner 



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