Half way there!

A really awesome picture of Moses parting the red sea

So today marks my half way point at the MTC, and idk if it's been the longest 3 weeks of my life or the quickest. It was general conference weekend, which for those who don't know, is a broadcast that happens semiannually, where the apostles and prophet speaks. Unfortunately one of our apostles passed away between sessions and our prophet wasn't too healthy either so he had to stay home. But the talks were AMAZING. I highly recommend all of them. Especially Elder Nelsons and Elder Rasbands. (They're on both YouTube and LDS.org). It was super awesome, because we were in a gym watching it with all the full time missionaries and we got to sit as a district each session (4 sessions, each 2 hours) and the missionaries got in trouble as a whole bc when they announced that Elder Holland was going to speak everyone cheered xD it was awesome. His talk was AMAZING as well. We also had a devotional Sunday night by John Munoa who is the executive producer of the life of Jesus Christ bible videos, and that was super rad.  (Pretty sure you can see them at bible videos. Org? )
Hermana Robles is officially gone to Dallas, and they have reassigned me to be with Hermana Riding. Everything is going well her and I work together well and yeah, all is grand. Other than that, my 'investigator' Anna is getting baptised on November 1st (pretty sure she's already a member) but I've taught her all in Spanish and she speaks really fast Spanish so I'm proud of myself haha. I no longer need notes to talk to her, I can just go with the spirit, and what I feel like I should say. I learned this week how to say all the names in the bible and book of mormon in Spanish, and so that's cool. My teacher told me that my Espanol was really good for o my having studied it for 3 weeks, so yay! 
SO yeah, it's been a rather chill week. More Spanish, I sat all day Saturday and all day Sunday, got a new companion Monday, taught Monday and Tuesday. Yesterday we also had a devotional from Bonnie Oscarson, and yeah. 
Love hearing from you all! 
Love and miss you!
Hermana Woerner 


I put up a picture of Jesus

Tree and view from study room. 

Elder Coy wearing hermana Burkes glasses, and elder Hallman hugging elder Harrison

Hermana Timoteo hugging her bear named Santiago 

Me and my new comp Hermana Riding (we accidentally were matching the day we were told we were comps) 

Bubble wrap popping party in our room with the Hermanas in the district

Me, hermana Robles, and Anna. 


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