Howdy From Texas!

Hey!                                                                                                                                                             10/30/17

Sorry everyone, I know it has definitely been a hot minute. My last P-day was almost 2 weeks ago because I spent last Wednesday traveling to Houston! So that being said, I am safe here, and done with my time at the MTC. It was an interesting time, and I took a load of pictures. It was strange, because most people left on Monday, then the majority of the people left left on Tuesday, then finally, it was me and Hermana Gardels on Wednesday. It was cool though because I got to go to a class who had just arrived to the MTC. It was a nice experience. We also got to go around and look up all the stories to the murals in our building. It was a good time. Nevertheless, I woke up at 2:30 the next morning and headed on over to Texas. I landed, and they let us all take a nap in the Mission building, in the church pews. It was weird. Also the building was really cold. Then, we went over rules, they took our tablets for 8 weeks (which just so happens to land on Christmas), and then they brought us over to the Mission Home, where we had chicken chili for dinner, and the Mission President interviewed each of us. 
The mission president has a cat, so when people say they were sent to their mission for the people, or for their president, I am pretty sure I am here for his cat. 

Then, Thursday I was placed with my trainer, who is Hermana Masters. She and I live together in a one bedroom apartment in Woodlands, Texas. We are in the Woodlands 3rd ward. I have successfully kind of talked to the members that I have met. Which is a lot. Not only from church, but even Thursday night, we have had some sort of dinner appointment everyday. I can undestand why people gain a lot of weight here. I have had 4 dinner appointments, and 2 unplanned dinner appointments (where we run into people and they just want to feed us then and there.).

I have eaten so many beans and tortillas haha, it is crazy. But I have successfully moved in, and all is well. I wont be able to send too many pictures because of my tablet not being with me, but I wish you all the best, and I am sorry if I dont respond individually, I only get 90 minutes to email, but I am splitting my time up and will send more things later. :)
Love and miss y'all
-Hermana Woerner


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