Hurricane Irma/God Be With You Till We Meet Again

Stephanie was scheduled to fly out to the MTC on September 11, 2017.  
However, Hurricane Irma had other plans.  She tried to come and make our lives a complete mess, but, that wasn't in the plans. Stephanie's flight was moved from Monday, to Tuesday; leaving at the same time.  She still had to report to the MTC that Wednesday by noon.  Heavenly Father wanted Stephanie in Utah, and he was making it happen!

While Stephanie was packing, and getting ready to go, and being unsure of WHEN she would be going, I was at the hospital, on disaster duty.  I was gone from home for 3 days.  Three days that I didn't get to spend with my daughter, who I was going to send away for 18 months.  I was a little bitter, but knew that in the end, those three days were probably needed for me to begin to cut the cord. Stephanie found out that she was going to fly out the day after she was originally going to fly out, and a day before she needed to report to the MTC.

The table was our hurricane evacuation food. 

Thankfully I was home and able to witness Stephanie be set apart as a missionary.  The whole family was in attendance, and it was awesome.  
Brandon Stake's Newest Missionary!!!!!

After being set apart, Stephanie signed 'the sword of truth'.  All the missionaries that leave from our stake sign the leathers on the sword.  It's the symbolism for putting on the armor of God.  Her sisters were able to handle the sword themselves and see that it's a real sword.

After being set apart, and signing the sword, it was time to go home, and get her stuff, and say good-bye.  


So, we were off to the airport.  No power at home,  No running water at home.  Sending my baby off.  Not much stress for the mommy right?  Oh My Goodness.  My husband and I walked her in, and I was going to go back with her, and actually put her on the plane.  However, the lady at the ticket counter wasn't in the mood to hear us say anything other than what she wanted to hear.  I didn't even have a chance to ask for a security pass.  Hubby says it was probably for the best, because it just would've prolonged my emotional wreckage; which was made worse by my normally stoic child crying herself.


So, I watched her as she got on the tram to go to the terminals.  Our baby was off on her mission.




The rest of (Or most off) the posts will be e-mails from here are her e-mails home.  



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