
Showing posts from February, 2018

Wednesday's, Spanish and my first week

So apparently our preparation day is on Wednesday. Its different per group at the MTC and ours is Wednesday. It has been a mixture of a really stressful week and a really great week.  The first day was great, I met my companion, roommates, and my district.  My companion is Hermana Robles (going to Dallas Texas), then our roommates are Hermana Timoteo and Hermana Hudrlik (Both Texas Houston East).  Then the other set of Hermanas are Riding, Gardels, and Burke (Everest WA, Washington DC North, and Boston) then our Elders are Harrison, Hildreth, Hallman (all going to Mexico), Thomas (Boston), then Coy, and Johannsen (Both Texas Houston East).  Everyone is super cool and were like a big family all struggling with Spanish (except Johannsen and Harrison bc they already know it). Pero mi Espanol es mejora than I thought it would be. I'm only a week in and I can already teach about Jesucristo and the restoration and pray and give my testimony and the gift of tongues is de

Hurricane Irma/God Be With You Till We Meet Again

Stephanie was scheduled to fly out to the MTC on September 11, 2017.   However, Hurricane Irma had other plans.  She tried to come and make our lives a complete mess, but, that wasn't in the plans. Stephanie's flight was moved from Monday, to Tuesday; leaving at the same time.  She still had to report to the MTC that Wednesday by noon.  Heavenly Father wanted Stephanie in Utah, and he was making it happen! While Stephanie was packing, and getting ready to go, and being unsure of WHEN she would be going, I was at the hospital, on disaster duty.  I was gone from home for 3 days.  Three days that I didn't get to spend with my daughter, who I was going to send away for 18 months.  I was a little bitter, but knew that in the end, those three days were probably needed for me to begin to cut the cord. Stephanie found out that she was going to fly out the day after she was originally going to fly out, and a day before she needed to report to the MTC. The table was ou


After our family reading, we had a friend and family reveal. This was a huge occasion, and we went to our friends house, invited the (then) current missionaries, and a few others.  There were lots of crying, and happiness. And no party would be complete without cake!  Our friend Season was in charge of the cake.  I couldn't do it.  I'd cry too much.  This momma's a cryer. These 3 girls right here are the best of friends, and with this mission call, it starts at least 4 years of them being apart. Just as one goes on her mission, another goes to college, Just before mine comes back from her mission, another one goes on hers.  Here's hoping they all remain as good of friends as they are at this moment.      They were all there when the mission call was open, and they all were excited and happy, and sad, and all those emotions.

I hope they call me on a Mission

This is a record of Hermana Stephanie Woerner's e-mails home while she is/was away on her mission.  The first 3 posts are about what happened at home before she left. Stephanie put in all her information, and waited months for this moment, we even skyped it with Grandma! Houston was not where she wanted to go, and she was a little bummed about going, but she knew she had been called to go where the Lord needed her to be.